Lawn Care

4 Ways to Balance Lawn Care with Back-to-School Season

As summer comes to a close and the back-to-school season approaches, many homeowners find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities. This time of year can be hectic, from school supply shopping and organizing carpool schedules to ensuring that homework routines are set. Amidst all the chaos, it’s easy to let lawn care slip through the cracks. However, maintaining a healthy lawn during this transitional period is crucial for your outdoor space’s overall appearance and health. At Nature’s Select, we understand the challenges you face, and we’re here to provide you with four expert tips to keep your lawn looking its best even as your schedule fills up.

1. Establish a Lawn Care Schedule

With the return of school, routines become essential. Establishing a lawn care schedule can help you stay on top of necessary tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Set specific days for mowing, watering, and other maintenance activities. Creating a routine ensures your lawn receives the attention it needs without interfering with your back-to-school responsibilities.

2. Mow Regularly and at the Right Height

During late summer and early fall, grass growth tends to slow down. However, it's still important to mow your lawn regularly to keep it neat and healthy. Set your mower to the correct height for your grass type to avoid cutting it too short, which can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to disease. A general rule of thumb is to mow your lawn when it reaches about 3-4 inches in height and cut it down to around 2-3 inches.

3. Water Wisely

As temperatures begin to cool, your lawn's watering needs will change. Overwatering can lead to fungal growth and other issues, while underwatering can cause your grass to become brittle and dry. Water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation and allow the grass to absorb moisture effectively. A deep watering once or twice a week is usually sufficient during the cooler months.

4. Utilize Professional Lawn Care Services

Finally, if your schedule is too demanding to dedicate time to lawn care, consider enlisting the help of professional lawn care services. At Nature’s Select™ Premium Turf Services, Inc., we offer comprehensive lawn care programs tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experts can handle everything from mowing and fertilization to weed control and aeration, giving you peace of mind and a beautiful lawn without the added stress.

Balancing lawn care with back-to-school season doesn't have to be daunting. Following these four tips and establishing a routine can maintain a healthy, attractive lawn even during the busiest times. For personalized assistance and expert lawn care solutions, trust Nature’s Select™ to keep your lawn in top shape year-round. Contact us today in the Winston-Salem area at (888) 786-9735 to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the lawn of your dreams.

Natures Select

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