Category: Aberdeen

Should You Ever Mix Grass Types?

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As a homeowner, you may be considering mixing grass types in your lawn to achieve the perfect blend of color, texture, and resilience. However, before you dive into this decision, it’s important to understand the potential pros and cons of mixing grass types. Below, Nature’s Select Sandhills helps you explore whether or not you should […]

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How to Boost Your Property Value with Regular Tree Care

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Imagine pulling up to a house surrounded by lush, well-maintained trees. It instantly feels inviting and serene, doesn’t it? The sight of healthy trees can significantly enhance a property’s curb appeal and value. For homeowners looking to make the most of their investment, Nature’s Select Sandhills‘ tree care isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. So, […]

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4 Reasons Your DIY Mosquito Control Isn’t Working

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Are you tired of constantly battling mosquitoes in your backyard despite all your efforts to control them on your own? You’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with ineffective DIY mosquito control methods, leaving them frustrated and desperate for a solution. They eventually turn to us here at Nature’s Select Sandhills. But first, let’s explore four […]

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How to Spot Mole Activity: 5 Signs in Your Yard

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Are you noticing strange mounds of dirt popping up in your yard? These could be signs of mole activity, and it’s important to address the issue before it damages your lawn or garden. Nature’s Select Sandhills is here to help you identify mole activity and tell you what you can do about it.

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The Role of Microorganisms in Your Lawn’s Ecosystem

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Most people focus on watering, fertilizing, and mowing when maintaining a lush and healthy lawn. However, an often-overlooked aspect of lawn care plays a crucial role in the health of your grass – microorganisms. These tiny organisms are essential for breaking down organic matter, improving soil structure, and enhancing nutrient availability. So, come along with […]

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Should You Clean Up Soil Plugs After Lawn Aeration?

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So, you’ve just had your lawn aerated by Nature’s Select Sandhills, and now you’re left with those soil plugs scattered across your yard. The question on your mind may be whether or not you should clean up these plugs. Are they beneficial or just an eyesore? Let’s dive into the debate and explore the pros […]

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How to Prevent Lawn Rust

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If you’re a homeowner, the health and appearance of your lawn are likely high on your list of concerns this spring. Enter lawn rust, a pesky issue that can turn your lush green grass into a rust-colored eyesore. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to a vibrant, healthy lawn this spring? We’ll guide you […]

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4 Reasons Your Trees Need Professional Services

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Trees are a significant part of our environment and add beauty to our surroundings. They offer several benefits, such as providing shade, cleaning the air, and adding curb appeal. If you have trees on your property, you know how much they mean to you. Taking care of them is crucial to ensure their longevity and […]

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5 Common Signs of Shrub Winter Damage

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Winter can be a harsh and unforgiving season for shrubs. Therefore, it’s essential to look out for signs of winter damage and to protect your shrubs to prevent further deterioration. Not sure what to look for? Nature’s Select Sandhills put together these five common signs of shrub winter damage to be aware of.

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3 Soil Considerations to Make Before Planting New Shrubs

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Planting new shrubs can be an exciting addition to your garden or landscape. However, before starting this process, it’s essential to consider the soil condition. The soil type can significantly impact the growth and health of your shrubs, potentially leading to a poor outcome. But thankfully, you’ve got Nature’s Select Sandhills on your side to […]

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