Category: Greensboro
How Snow and Ice Impact Your Lawn
For the most part, winters in North Carolina are mild. But that doesn’t mean we’re immune to our fair share of cold temperatures, heavy snowfall, and ice. Not only do these conditions make driving a challenge, but they can also be challenging for your lawn. Nature’s Select Piedmont preaches the importance of lawn and soil […]
How Do De-icing Salts Damage Trees?
Winter is stressful for your shrubs and trees. They’re battling the elements, which often include snow, ice, and bitterly cold temperatures. Unfortunately, you could be making winter harder for them by misusing de-icing salts. While it’s important to keep walkways clear so you don’t slip and fall, you should also keep the health of your […]
Fall Lawn Care: 4 Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to your lawn care, there’s a lot to know. If you don’t consider yourself to have a green thumb, then you might struggle with keeping plants and your lawn alive. But don’t worry. Whether you’re a new homeowner or have been caring for your lawn for years, nature can always surprise you. […]
3 Reasons Lawn Care Services Are Worth It
Taking care of your lawn is a full-time job. But if you’re like most homeowners, you usually don’t get to the lawn until the weekend. However, there’s so much that goes into it. You have to know about moss, thatching, weeding, fertilizing, pruning, and so much more. If taking the time to learn about all […]
5 Fun Facts About Ladybugs
There are about 5,000 different species of ladybug around the world. But the most common here in North America is the ever-popular shiny red one with seven dots. Most people love ladybugs for their delicate looks and harmless demeanor. Farmers especially love ladybugs since they consume aphids and other tree- or shrub-destroying insects. Yet, there’s […]
Japanese Beetles: 3 Facts You Should Know
According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, Japanese beetles are among the most troublesome pests for homeowners. These common lawn pests chew through just about any vegetation, including your favorite rose bush. Japanese beetles make even the healthiest tree look dead, which is why Nature’s Select Piedmont gets so many calls for help. Our tree and […]
3 Things Your Lawn Is Trying to Tell You
You can learn a lot from your grass if you just pay attention. Yet, learning the language of your lawn isn’t easy, and many homeowners fail. That’s why so many of them turn to Nature’s Select Piedmont for help. Our lawn care experts work with nature, not against it, to give you the best-looking yard […]
3 Helpful Lawn Insects
Does the sight of any bug in your lawn send you running in the opposite direction? If you nodded your head in agreement, then you’re not alone. Many people go scrambling for the bug killer when they spot an insect, but that shouldn’t always be the case. While not all lawn insects are beneficial, there […]
5 Hard-to-Control Weeds
Weeds can be a pain to get rid of, especially if they’re widespread. Additionally, not everyone has the time or patience it takes to pull weeds every weekend or during the week. That’s probably why so many homeowners turn to Nature’s Select Piedmont for help. We use techniques and products that work with nature, not […]
3 Facts about Boxwood Blight
Boxwood is a fundamental shrub in landscaping designs. However, this small, green bush is extremely susceptible to diseases like boxwood blight. Boxwood blight is a fungal disease and has become a widespread problem for nurseries and homeowners throughout the Piedmont area. Many residents still don’t know how to identify this fungus and often confuse it […]