Tag: fall lawn care
3 Common Types of Fall Weeds
Fall is a great season to enjoy the natural foliage’s beauty and see the leaves change colors. However, it is also when many weeds start popping up on your lawn. At Nature’s Select Triangle, we know this is frustrating. So, when you see these three types of fall weeds coming up, give us a ring!
5 Benefits of Fall Lawn Aeration
Aeration is a process that involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the root zone. While it can be done at various times throughout the year, fall is ideal for this essential lawn care task. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Nature’s […]
3 Reasons Why Leaves Should Stay on the Ground
Leaves are an important part of the autumn landscape. They provide a splash of color and add to the overall beauty of the season. However, there is one big question that remains: should leaves stay on the ground or be picked up and disposed of? Nature’s Select Piedmont explains three of the many reasons leaves […]
4 Benefits of Biological Lawn Care
It’s no secret that going organic is better for you and your family. But what you may not know is that it’s also better for your lawn to use biologically based nutrients. Biological lawn care from Nature’s Select Piedmont uses natural methods to take care of your lawn. And here are four benefits you and […]
The Importance of Dethatching in the Fall
Dethatching in the fall can be crucial to the overall health of your lawn. By removing the thatch, you will allow your lawn to breathe and receive essential nutrients from the soil. You will also help to prevent fungus and mold from growing, which can lead to extensive damage over time. Fall is the best […]
3 Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn in the Fall
Fall is a great time to aerate your lawn. Aerating your lawn helps to improve drainage, encourages root growth, and helps to break up compacted soil. It’s a good idea to aerate your lawn every fall, especially if you have a lot of traffic on your lawn from kids or pets. So, let’s look a […]
4 Fall Lawn Care Tips
Thanks to lower temperatures in the late summer and early fall, grasses reach peak growth. Fall is the ideal season for strengthening existing lawns and creating new grass because of the warm days and cool nights. Fall lawn care can go a long way in ensuring a beautiful lawn come spring. Continue reading to learn […]
How to Care For Your Lawn after Aeration
Each fall, our team at Nature’s Select® recommends an aeration and overseeding treatment to the homeowners in the Winston-Salem area. This treatment helps your lawn prepare to go into a dormant phase for the winter so that it can come back thick and lush in the spring. Today on the blog, we’re not just discussing […]
Fall Lawn Care: 4 Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to your lawn care, there’s a lot to know. If you don’t consider yourself to have a green thumb, then you might struggle with keeping plants and your lawn alive. But don’t worry. Whether you’re a new homeowner or have been caring for your lawn for years, nature can always surprise you. […]
Fall Renovations and Repairs
With the beginning of fall and with winter just around the corner, many homeowners are preparing to hang up their lawn care tools for the season. However, did you know that fall is actually a great time to do a little renovation and repair in preparation for the spring season? With a little help from […]