Tag: grass types

Should You Ever Mix Grass Types?

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As a homeowner, you may be considering mixing grass types in your lawn to achieve the perfect blend of color, texture, and resilience. However, before you dive into this decision, it’s important to understand the potential pros and cons of mixing grass types. Below, Nature’s Select Sandhills helps you explore whether or not you should […]

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5 Reasons to Love Bermuda Grass

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When creating a lush, vibrant lawn, Bermuda grass stands out as an exceptional choice for homeowners seeking that perfect outdoor oasis. With Nature Select Piedmont’s expert lawn services, you can ensure your grass will flourish, receiving the tailored care it needs to maintain its rich color and density. Still not convinced? Here are five reasons […]

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Why Bermudagrass is Hard to Control

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Bermudagrass is a plant species that many landowners have a love-hate relationship with. On the one hand, it’s a fast-growing grass perfect for filling in bare spots in your lawn. On the other hand, it’s an invasive species that can quickly take over your yard and choke out other plants. But why is this grass […]

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3 Ways We Control Bermuda Grass

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Bermuda grass is an aggressive, warm-season turf that tends to spread quickly and is hard to get rid of. If you didn’t intend for this grass in your lawn, but see it creeping in, then it’s time to give Nature’s Select Triangle a call. Simply treating the grass as a weed will likely not work, […]

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3 Benefits of Centipede Grass

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Centipede grass, sometimes called “poor man’s grass,” is a great option for any buy homeowner in the Piedmont area. While it does rely on very specific soil and landscape conditions, there are plenty of benefits to this type of lawn. So, let’s take a look at some of those benefits before you call Nature’s Select […]

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