Tag: weed control

When is Pre-Emergent Necessary?

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As a homeowner, you take pride in your lawn, and understandably so. A healthy and lush lawn not only boosts your property’s curb appeal but also gives you a sense of satisfaction. However, there’s nothing more frustrating than spending time and money on your lawn only to see unsightly weeds pop up. Fortunately, there’s a […]

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3 Common Types of Fall Weeds

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Fall is a great season to enjoy the natural foliage’s beauty and see the leaves change colors. However, it is also when many weeds start popping up on your lawn. At Nature’s Select Triangle, we know this is frustrating. So, when you see these three types of fall weeds coming up, give us a ring!

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Why a Thin Lawn is an Invitation to Weeds

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Are you tired of constantly battling weeds in your backyard? Do you find that no matter how many times you pull them out, they seem to keep growing back? Well, one possible reason for this may be due to your lawn being thin. A thin lawn can be an invitation to weeds because it allows […]

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3 Beneficial Weeds You May Want Around

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When discussing weed control, your first reaction is to probably want all of them gone. You’ve been told that any weed in your landscaping is bad. You’ve also come to think that weeds will affect your curb appeal. While that is true for the most part, Nature’s Select Triangle is here to tell you that […]

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3 Common Types of Plant Bed Weeds

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Your flower and plant beds are the main focal point of the front of your home. You may also have them wrapped around your backyard, creating the perfect oasis. Yet, these areas are often a hassle to manage because of all the weeds. If you’re tired of pulling weeds, then it’s time to call Nature’s […]

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5 Hard-to-Control Weeds

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Weeds can be a pain to get rid of, especially if they’re widespread. Additionally, not everyone has the time or patience it takes to pull weeds every weekend or during the week. That’s probably why so many homeowners turn to Nature’s Select Piedmont for help. We use techniques and products that work with nature, not […]

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3 Facts About Bermuda Grass

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If you own a home, then you know there are several different lawn grasses to choose from. Reading about all of your options can be overwhelming, and you could end up spending more money than necessary on a grass that won’t do well in the climate here in North Carolina. Here at Nature’s Select Piedmont, […]

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