3 Reasons to Fertilize Trees in the Fall
Trees are a crucial part of any landscape. While you might think they’re self-sustaining, that’s not necessarily the case. Trees require a great deal of care and maintenance, and if you want them to be the best they can be, then it’s time to give Nature’s Select Triangle a call. We have tree maintenance programs designed to give your trees all the care and nutrients they need. So, here are several reasons to give them a fertilizer boost in the fall.

1. Promotes Strong Roots
The roots of a tree are vital for its survival and durability. A tree’s root system can extend deep in the ground, and constantly search for water and nutrients. With the right fertilizing method and timelines, you can support the growth of this system. The sturdier the roots, the sturdier the tree. Furthermore, a well-fertilized tree can fight off diseases and pests.2. Improves Tree Color
The colors of fall are just around the corner, and if you’re like most homeowners, you probably enjoy all the beautiful colors that your trees provide. However, trees that aren’t well cared for won’t produce these bright colors. So instead of bright reds, oranges, yellows, and magentas, you’ll be left with dull brown and tan leaves that die and fall quickly.3. Extends Life
If the life of your trees is a concern for you, then you’ll want to make sure to fertilize regularly. Without essential nutrients and minerals in the soil, trees can’t properly grow, and may even be stunted. Trees are an investment that will repay you if you take great care of them, but without your support, you might find that your trees are illness-prone, and will die at a young age.Your Trees Deserve Great Care
Caring for the trees on your property in Chapel Hill or Durham, NC, is a big chore. Whether you don’t have the experience or the time, Nature’s Select Triangle has you covered! We’ve got excellent boxwood programs, tree disease control programs, as well as lawn care programs designed for every type of property. To learn more about our services, dial (919) 240-4239.