4 Reasons Your Lawn is Retaining Water

Do you find your lawn often turns into a soggy mess after heavy rainfalls? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with excess water pooling on their lawns, leading to issues such as poor drainage, soil erosion, and even damage to their grass and plants. Here at Nature’s Select Piedmont, we know your lawn retaining water is frustrating. So, we’re sharing four reasons your lawn could be retaining water.

Understanding Why Your Lawn is Retaining Water

1. Soil Composition

One of the main reasons your lawn may be retaining water is the composition of your soil. If your soil contains a high percentage of clay (which it likely does), it tends to compact easily and hold onto water rather than allowing it to drain properly. To improve drainage in clay-heavy soil, consider adding organic matter such as compost or peat moss to help break up the clay particles and create channels for water to flow through.

2. The Slope of Your Yard

Another factor that can contribute to water retention on your lawn is the slope of your yard. If your yard is flat or has a slight slope towards your house, water may collect in low-lying areas instead of draining away properly. To address this issue, consider regrading your yard to create a gentle slope away from your home or installing a French drain or dry well to redirect excess water.

3. Compacted Soil

Over time, heavy foot traffic or machinery can cause the soil in your lawn to become compacted, making it difficult for water to penetrate the surface and drain effectively. Lawn aeration can help your lawn by alleviating compaction and improving drainage. It also adds more airflow, which can promote evaporation, preventing grassroots from becoming too soggy and dying as a result.

4. Lack of Proper Drainage Solutions

Finally, if your lawn lacks adequate drainage solutions, such as gutters, downspouts, or French drains, excess water may have nowhere to go during rainstorms. Installing these features can help redirect water away from your lawn and prevent flooding issues in the future.

Care for Your Lawn the Right Way

Several factors could be causing your lawn to retain water after heavy rainfalls in Greensboro, NC. Here at Nature’s Select, we can help prevent some of this flooding with aeration and overseeding. We can also help your lawn recover after being saturated by treating any lawn fungus or diseases. We’ll even take care of your trees and shrubs, helping them grow strong and resilient. Get your free estimate at (336) 544-4554, and let’s care for your lawn the right way.