5 Reasons to Love Bermuda Grass

When creating a lush, vibrant lawn, Bermuda grass stands out as an exceptional choice for homeowners seeking that perfect outdoor oasis. With Nature Select Piedmont’s expert lawn services, you can ensure your grass will flourish, receiving the tailored care it needs to maintain its rich color and density. Still not convinced? Here are five reasons to love Bermuda grass.

1. Drought Tolerance

One of the main reasons why homeowners love Bermuda grass is its incredible drought tolerance. This grass is known for its ability to thrive in hot and dry conditions, making it the perfect choice for North Carolina's climate. With Bermuda, you can enjoy a lush green lawn even during limited rainfall.

2. Low Maintenance

Another reason to love Bermuda grass is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike other grass types that require frequent watering, fertilizing, and mowing, Bermuda only needs occasional watering and mowing to stay healthy and vibrant. This means less time spent on lawn care and more time enjoying your beautiful yard.

3. High Traffic Tolerance

If you have kids or pets who love to run around and play in the yard, Bermuda grass is an excellent choice. This grass type has a high traffic tolerance, meaning it can withstand heavy foot traffic without becoming damaged or worn out. You can rest assured that your lawn will remain beautiful and resilient no matter how much activity it sees.

4. Pest Resistance

Bermuda grass is also known for its natural resistance to pests and diseases. This means fewer issues with common lawn pests like grubs or chinch bugs, saving you time and money on pest control measures. With Bermuda, you can enjoy a healthy lawn without worrying about pesky critters causing damage.

5. Fast Growth

Last but not least, this grass is prized for its fast growth rate. Once established, this grass type spreads quickly to fill in bare spots and create a lush carpet of green in your yard. Whether you're starting from seed or sod, Bermuda grass will soon transform your lawn into a beautiful oasis that you can be proud of

Get the Lawn of Your Dreams

There are countless reasons to love Bermuda grass as a homeowner in Greensboro, NC. So why wait? Consider planting Bermuda in your yard today and experience all the benefits it has to offer. Want to take care of your current lawn? Get a free estimate from Nature's Select at (336) 544-4554. We can even tackle tough lawn diseases and tree care using biologically-based treatments and solutions.

Natures Select

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Natures Select

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